
Become a Supporter of NYCO and be instrumental in helping us to continue to bring our music to the community.
Many musicians, subscribers, school children, seniors, students, families and young professional performers benefit from NYCO’s contribution to our community and its culture. NYCO relies on donations to maintain its programs which touch so many people.

To become a supporter, you may make your donation using the form below, or you may send your cheque, payable to North York Concert Orchestra, to:

NYCO Support
48 Ridgevale Drive
North York ON
M6A 1L1

Platinum Baton - $1,000+

  • Invitation to attend end-of-season gala reception
  • Opportunity to meet the conductor and guest artists
  • Invitation to attend a rehearsal
  • Acknowledgement in NYCO program
  • A charitable donation tax receipt
Horn players in an orchestra

Gold Baton - $500 to $999

  • Invitation to attend a rehearsal
  • Acknowledgement in NYCO program
  • A charitable donation tax receipt
Single violin player during an orchestra concert

Silver Baton - $250 to $499

  • Acknowledgement in NYCO program
  • A charitable donation tax receipt
Empty concert hall

Bronze Baton - $100 to $249

  • Acknowledgement in NYCO program
  • A charitable donation tax receipt
Sheet music on a stand with violins in the background

White Baton - $25 to $99

  • Acknowledgement in NYCO program
  • A charitable donation tax receipt
Piano player in a grey suite playing the piano

White Baton - $25 to $99

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